Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Brain Illustration

I have changed my brain illustration in a lot of ways compared to my last one. This time iv changed the font as it works a lot better and iv taken quotes and sections of quotes from the book itself and placed them throughout the lines of the brain,  such as :

"And suddenly," LlinĂ¡s concludes, "you hear a song in your head or out of seemingly nowhere find yourself anxious to play tennis. Things sometimes just come to us."

"Many people are set off by the theme music of a film or television show or an advertisement. This is not coincidental, for such music is designed, in the terms of the music industry, to "hook" the listener, to be "catchy" or "sticky," to bore its way, like an earwig, into the ear or mind; hence the term "earworms" -- though one might be inclined to call them "brainworms" instead. (One newsmagazine, in 1987, defined them, half-facetiously, as "cognitively infectious musical agents.")

"Although a teaspoon of Mozart may not make a child a better mathematician, there is little doubt that regular exposure to music, and especially active participation in music, may stimulate development of many different areas of the brain--areas which have to work together to listen to or perform music. For the vast majority of students, music can be every bit as important educationally as reading or writing."

...and plenty more.

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